Ayurveda is a science of life which provides not only curative but also preventive principles for healthy and long life. Ayurveda is a lifestyle, a science and an art of appropriate living that ensures the health and longevity of human beings. Abhyanga (oil massage) which is one among the Dinacharya, is also a part of the pre-therapeutic procedures of Panchakarma. Abhyanga is to be considered in Snehana therapy. As it nourishes the senses of the mind and gives them strength. but if done in any region like localised in the head, neck, legs etc then it is termed as Shiro abhyanga, Padabhyanga etc. Full-body massage gives strength to the whole body, but localised massage gives strength to that part of the body.  Abhyangam is one of the most important practices to maintain a healthy body and mind.
Greenlife Ayurveda Sharjah's Abhyangam is a full-body ayurvedic massage that uses warm oil to promote overall health and well-being. It involves massaging the body from head to toe with a herb-infused medicated oil specifically chosen to help balance the doshas and energies, in your body. 

  • Imparts strength to all the sensory and motor organs.
  • Maintains colour and complexion of skin, prevents the signs of ageing, skin dryness and itching.
  • It prevents headaches and induces sleep, calms the mind and gives relaxation.
  • Improves muscle tone and builds immunity.
  • It reduces the aggravated Vata.